Essential Tips for Planning a Safe and Memorable Vacation for LGBTQ+ Travelers
Essential Tips for Planning a Safe and Memorable Vacation for LGBTQ+ Travelers

Travel with Pride

May 1, 2024 – Traveling can be a wonderful way to explore new places and cultures, but for the LGBTQ+ community, it can also come with unique challenges and considerations. From finding accepting destinations to navigating local customs and laws, LGBTQ+ travel requires extra planning and research. However, with the right preparation, LGBTQ+ travelers can have safe and enjoyable experiences all around the world.

Working with travel advisors like me who specialize in LGBTQ+ travel can help ensure you have a great vacation. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions and for help with your travels. Also, I highly recommend utilizing the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association, of which I am a member. They have great travel resources and advice for the LGBTQ+ traveler.

In addition, I’m sharing a handful of tips for the LGBTQ+ community to keep in mind when planning travel:

Research Destinations

Not all destinations are equally accepting of LGBTQ+ individuals, and it’s important to research the local laws, customs, and attitudes before deciding where to go. In some countries, homosexuality is illegal, and even in places where it’s legal, discrimination and harassment may still occur. Remember, just because same-sex relationships may be outlawed, it doesn’t mean a member of the LGBTQ+ community cannot travel there. It just means extra precautions may need to be taken. There are more than 80 countries that have made commitments to welcome LGBTQ+ travelers. I can connect you with LGBTQ+ tour operators around the world who can work to ensure you have a safe and fun vacation.

Choose LGBTQ+ Friendly Accommodations

Choosing accommodations that are LGBTQ+ friendly can help ensure a more comfortable and welcoming experience. Many LGBTQ+ travelers prefer to stay at LGBTQ+ owned or operated establishments or hotels with a reputation for being LGBTQ+ friendly. I’ve worked with many of these properties and brands, and I can ensure to match you with a hotel where you feel most comfortable.

Connect with Local LGBTQ+ Communities

Connecting with local LGBTQ+ communities can provide valuable insights into local customs and attitudes towards the community. Travelers can reach out to local LGBTQ+ organizations or social media groups to connect with their community to help find LGBTQ+ friendly bars, clubs, and events, as well as make new friends and connections. 

Be Mindful of Safety

LGBTQ+ travelers should always be mindful of their safety, particularly in unfamiliar environments. They should avoid putting themselves in potentially dangerous situations and should always be aware of their surroundings. This can unfortunately include avoiding public displays of affection, especially in areas where it may not be accepted, and being cautious when meeting new people, particularly online.

By utilizing Ben Voyage Travel to choose LGBTQ+ friendly destinations, accommodations, and activities, you can have the peace of mind that you’ll have safe and enjoyable experiences all around the world. 

Ready to plan your next LGBTQ+ friendly vacation? Reach out today!

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